{"id":15657,"date":"2023-10-12T09:24:04","date_gmt":"2023-10-12T08:24:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/?p=15657"},"modified":"2023-10-12T09:24:04","modified_gmt":"2023-10-12T08:24:04","slug":"which-is-a-major-feature-of-the-mediterranean-architecture","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/which-is-a-major-feature-of-the-mediterranean-architecture\/","title":{"rendered":"Which Is A Major Feature Of The Mediterranean Architecture"},"content":{"rendered":"

Significance of Mediterranean Architecture<\/h2>\n

The Mediterranean architecture is an integral part of the culture and identity of the Mediterranean region. Its buildings and structures are spread along the entire length of the Mediterranean coastline, encompassing a multitude of different styles and influencing cultures from the Ottoman Empire, Syria and North Africa to the Italian peninsula. From palaces to simple churches, it has been around for centuries, reflecting the socio-economic, political and cultural changes of the region. The Mediterranean architecture is characterised by its abundant use of forms, colours and materials that create a unique and unforgettable experience.<\/p>\n

Dominant Feature of Mediterranean Architecture<\/h2>\n

The most prominent feature of the Mediterranean architecture is its bright, bold colours and its ornate decorations. It consists of large, open courtyards with terracotta-tiled roofs, and is often accompanied by impressive entrance doors and domed roofs, shaped by a variety of elements. A common feature of Mediterranean buildings is the use of colourful tiles, which contribute to the overall charm of the building. The soft, warm hues of these tiles contrast sharply with the stark white walls, creating an inviting atmosphere and providing a sense of security.<\/p>\n

Typical Details of Mediterranean Architecture<\/h2>\n

Another common element of Mediterranean architecture is its intricate details, such as elaborate mosaics, painted frescoes and marble columns. The mosaic tiles, often made from terracotta and ceramic, are used to create intricate, symbolic designs. These are often used to decorate plazas, wall niches and archways.<\/p>\n

Mediterranean Courtyards<\/h2>\n

The Mediterranean courtyards feature an abundance of plants, from trees to flowering shrubs, making them come to life. These courtyards are often filled with the scent of the flowers. They are also a popular gathering place, offering a comfortable space to sit, chat and relax while surrounded by the vibrant colours of the building.<\/p>\n

Open Spaces<\/h2>\n