{"id":15679,"date":"2023-11-03T02:08:02","date_gmt":"2023-11-03T01:08:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/?p=15679"},"modified":"2023-11-03T02:08:02","modified_gmt":"2023-11-03T01:08:02","slug":"who-influenced-the-architecture-of-ecuador","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/who-influenced-the-architecture-of-ecuador\/","title":{"rendered":"Who Influenced The Architecture Of Ecuador"},"content":{"rendered":"

Who Influenced The Architecture Of Ecuador<\/h2>\n

The landscape of Ecuador is defined by influences from both pre-Columbian civilizations and by approaches from Hispanic colonizers during the Spanish conquest. Languages, beliefs, cultural customs, and architectural style can all be seen from the combination of these two seemingly disparate worlds. As a reaction to an increase in immigration from Europeans during the mid-20th century, the culture of this South American country has become a melting pot of those who settled in the area and those who have continued to visit and travel there.<\/p>\n

This includes understanding the unique combination of indigenous tribes and Spanish colonizers, who together, played a major role in shaping the country’s architecture. Natively present styles of construction, such as the traditional way of assembling colcas and zaguanes, have been combined with newly introduced forms and architectural designs from other parts of the world. This has resulted in a rich tapestry of architectural composition that has characterised the Ecuadorian cities and regions throughout many years.<\/p>\n

Architects have played a pivotal role in the history of Ecuador, with many indigenous cultures being fascinated by building construction and the engineering behind it. This has led to many cultures in the region looking to Europe for inspiration which helped them to evolve their own locally-driven artistic expression. This inspiration has been seen in cities such as Quito where Baroque, Renaissance, and Gothic elements are present in many of the buildings.<\/p>\n

The influence of Spanish Colonial style of architecture is evident in many of the country’s cathedrals and church buildings. Religious organisations have been a lasting presence in Ecuador since the Spanish arrived and have severely influenced the architectural landscape. While in many cases, the original structures were destroyed, the existing structures still reflect this prominent piece of the country’s history.<\/p>\n