{"id":17597,"date":"2023-11-18T09:28:01","date_gmt":"2023-11-18T08:28:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/?p=17597"},"modified":"2023-11-18T09:28:01","modified_gmt":"2023-11-18T08:28:01","slug":"which-core-architecture-principles-does-microservices-oriented-to","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/which-core-architecture-principles-does-microservices-oriented-to\/","title":{"rendered":"Which Core Architecture Principles Does Microservices Oriented To"},"content":{"rendered":"

Core Architectural Principles<\/h2>\n

The core architectural principles behind microservices-oriented architectures are simple, yet effective. They are designed to aid in scalability and maintainability of the software. These principles mainly focus on decomposing the application into services, keeping services independent, and making the communication between services explicit. <\/p>\n

Which Core Architecture Principles Does Microservices Oriented To?<\/h2>\n

The core architecture principles that microservices oriented towards can be broken down into three main components: decomposition, independence, and explicit boundaries. Additionally, these principles are sometimes referred to as the ‘three pillars’ by those familiar with microservices, as they each play a crucial role in the success of such architectures.<\/p>\n


Decomposition is the process of breaking down a complex system into more manageable pieces. Within microservices, it refers to breaking down the application into discrete services. This helps to keep the code for each service manageable and makes it easier for different teams to work on separate pieces of the application, leading to faster development cycles. It also allows for different services to be updated and deployed independently of each other, which can be important when it comes to scalability and maintainability.<\/p>\n


Having independent services means that each service should be able to operate on its own and should not rely too heavily on any other services within the application. This allows for services to be scaled or removed independently of other services, as well as reducing the blast radius in the case of errors. Additionally, it means that services can be written in different languages or frameworks, meaning teams can use different technologies for different services. This can help to create more agile and flexible applications.<\/p>\n

Explicit Boundaries<\/h2>\n