{"id":17671,"date":"2023-10-13T02:36:05","date_gmt":"2023-10-13T01:36:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/?p=17671"},"modified":"2023-10-13T02:36:05","modified_gmt":"2023-10-13T01:36:05","slug":"how-does-ancient-greece-architecture-influence-us-today","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/how-does-ancient-greece-architecture-influence-us-today\/","title":{"rendered":"How Does Ancient Greece Architecture Influence Us Today"},"content":{"rendered":"

The influence of Ancient Greek Architecture is immeasurable and can be seen throughout the world in present day buildings and structures. Ancient Greece is often thought of as the birthplace of democracy and the Olympic Games, but it was also the birthplace of a unique style of architecture. From private homes to public monuments, the Ancient Greeks created structures with a timeless beauty and enduring legacy. This legacy has been passed down through the ages and can still be seen today in many famous buildings, both ancient and modern.<\/p>\n

Greek architecture generally tended to use rectangular shapes with simple exterior walls that enclosed the building’s inhabitants and provided protection from the elements. Roofs were generally low and shallowly sloped, and much of the building weight rested on the exterior walls. Ancient Greek architects incorporated columns and archways, as well as colonnades and courtyards, in order to provide a more aesthetically pleasing interior. Ancient Greek buildings were also typically decorated with stone carvings, frescoes, and mosaics that often depicted mythological stories. The mathematically precise forms – intersecting planes, curved arches and perfect circles – create a harmony that has appealed to architects throughout the ages.<\/p>\n

The lasting influence of Ancient Greek architecture can be seen in structures from all over the world. In the early 19th century, Neoclassical architecture incorporated many ancient Greek elements, such as the Ionic column, into its designs. Many of the US’s national monuments, such as the US Capitol Building, the White House and the Lincoln Memorial, draw heavily from Ancient Greek architecture. Public and private buildings alike, such as museums, banks, churches, and even residential homes, are often designed in the same style as Ancient Greek buildings.<\/p>\n

The development of Ancient Greek architecture has also had a significant impact on modern architecture and design. Greek architectural principles have been adopted into modern architecture and design, such as the use of columns and arches to create visual interest, and the use of symmetrical facades which often draw attention to the entrance of a building. Greek architectural principles also often prioritize functionality and comfort, innovations that often prove beneficial for modern buildings.<\/p>\n