{"id":17833,"date":"2023-10-11T14:50:06","date_gmt":"2023-10-11T13:50:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/?p=17833"},"modified":"2023-10-11T14:50:06","modified_gmt":"2023-10-11T13:50:06","slug":"how-technology-affects-architecture","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/how-technology-affects-architecture\/","title":{"rendered":"How Technology Affects Architecture"},"content":{"rendered":"

How Technology Affects Architecture<\/h2>\n

Architecture has been structured and designed for thousands of years, with currents traversing through various civilizations and eras. From the Roman coliseum to the Burj in Dubai, architectures have adapted to the resources and tools available in the era. With the introduction of technology, design and construction of buildings has been revolutionised, bringing along numerous advantages and challenges.<\/p>\n

Research shows that one of the most significant changes brought by technology is that it has enabled the development of simpler ways of analysing data in architecture. Through the aid of computer aided designs (CAD) and building Information Modelling (BIM), architects are able to use three dimensional models to analyse the design elements and components of a structure in great detail. Apart from aiding in planning and designing, BIM Technology can also be used for optimising materials, reduce labour time and most importantly with interpreting data. The ability to take into account various components such as the material cost, size, formation and the building environment provides immense help in the construction process.<\/p>\n

Moreover, the introduction of technology related tools has also enabled the highly skilled labour force to work with increased efficiency. This has drastically cut down the time required to complete a construction, while providing quality assurance. According to a 2020 survey, the use of robotic automation and integration of computers in construction process has enabled a construction project that previously used to take five years to complete, to be finished in just under a year. Thus technology has enabled the building to be completed in much shorter period of time while maintaining higher standards of quality and reducing the cost.<\/p>\n

However, a potential downside of this connection between technology and architecture is the interaction between technology and the environment. Architectural structures using technological systems usually come with system maintenance requirements which in some cases can have adverse effects on the environment. Research has also shown that integration of technology has been linked to increasing levels of emissions from the embodied energy from the building. Nevertheless, there are ways to reduce these emissions through energy efficient technology.<\/p>\n