{"id":4714,"date":"2023-04-05T12:36:43","date_gmt":"2023-04-05T11:36:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/?p=4714"},"modified":"2023-04-05T12:36:43","modified_gmt":"2023-04-05T11:36:43","slug":"what-is-mvp-architecture","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.architecturemaker.com\/what-is-mvp-architecture\/","title":{"rendered":"What is mvp architecture?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The MVPA architecture is a software architecture that supports the development of online applications by providing a Model-View-Presenter-Adapter (MVP) framework. The framework defines how the model, view, and presenter should interact with each other. The Model-View-Presenter-Adapter (MVP) architecture is an event-driven architecture that uses a publish-subscribe event model to communicate between the different components of the application.<\/p>\n

The MVP architecture is a software development pattern that is used to create applications. It is a variation of the MVC pattern and is used to create applications that are more testable and easier to maintain. The MVP pattern is also known as the Presentation Model pattern.<\/p>\n

What is MVP in architecture? <\/h2>\n

The Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architectural pattern is a derivation of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. MVP is mostly used for building user interfaces. In MVP, the presenter assumes the functionality of the “middle-man”. In MVP, all presentation logic is pushed to the presenter. <\/p>\n

The main advantage of MVP is that it separates the presentation logic from the business logic. This separation makes it easier to unit test the presentation logic. Moreover, it also makes it easier to change the user interface without affecting the business logic. <\/p>\n