Why Should You Use Microservices Architecture

In the world of application development, microservices architecture has been a major game changer. It is a modern way of structuring and developing applications that allow both big and small organisations to make better use of their time and resources. By understanding what microservices architecture actually is and why it should be implemented, organisations can gain the maximum value from microservices.

Put simply, microservices architecture breaks down applications into smaller, manageable pieces and then allows larger network applications to be created. This allows developers and IT architects to rapidly develop and deploy applications and services as needed, on various connected devices, without having to manually manage them. The end result can be a faster, more secure, and more agile application that is easier to maintain and develop further.

From a necessary standpoint, microservices architecture enables organisations to keep up with changing customer and business requirements. It’s much easier to swap out individual services in a microservices-oriented architecture than it is to migrate entire systems. This means that agile development cycles can be maintained and new features and capabilities can be added rapidly, resulting in improved customer experiences and customer satisfaction.

Another benefit of microservices architecture is that it increases scalability. By ‘breaking’ applications into smaller services, organisations can now be more flexible in scaling, so they can scale up or down depending on customer needs. This allows developers to focus on each individual service, and not have to manage an entire application at once. Ultimately, this enables them to quickly respond to changes in customer demand without having to invest significant amounts of time and energy.

From a security perspective, microservices architecture is a boon for organisations. By breaking down applications, security flaws can be identified and corrected more quickly, and the risk of a major security breach is greatly reduced. This makes it easier for organisations to ensure that their applications and services remain secure, and minimises the chance of unscheduled downtime or data losses.

One of the biggest advantages offered by microservices architecture is improved monitoring and visibility. By breaking down applications into smaller services and then connecting them, organisations can set up dashboards to track each individual service, providing them with detailed insights into precisely which services are performing well, and which ones need attention. This makes it easier to identify issues and apply optimisations as needed, ensuring that organisations and developers can keep up with customer and industry demand.

Cost Savings

Another important factor in why organisations should use microservices architecture is cost savings. By breaking down applications into smaller pieces and then connecting them, organisations can be more agile and create applications faster. This reduces the need for additional developers and IT architects, which can help to save costs. Moreover, by using container technology for microservices, organisations can also keep their infrastructure costs to a minimum.

Additionally, microservices architecture also enables organisations to make use of cloud resources. As applications are broken down, they can be distributed across multiple clouds, allowing organisations to take advantage of cost-saving cloud resources. By leveraging cloud technologies, organisations can ensure that their applications are running smoothly and securely at lower costs.


Microservices architecture also offers organisations unprecedented flexibility in terms of how they develop and deploy applications. By creating individual services, organisations can make changes and add new features quickly and easily. This makes it easier to iteratively develop applications, and make incremental changes instead of large, cumbersome code revisions.

Moreover, microservices architecture also enables organisations to use different platforms and languages to effectively build applications. By connecting individual services, developers can use technologies that are best suited for the application that they are creating, without having to develop them from scratch. This offers organisations additional flexibility and the ability to quickly build and deploy applications.

Data Security

For organisations that handle sensitive customer data, microservices architecture can also improve data security. By connecting individual services, developers can ensure that data is stored and accessed securely. This makes it easier to ensure that customer data is protected and that only authorised individuals can access it. Moreover, with the use of encryption technologies, organisations can ensure that data is kept safe from external attackers.

In addition, microservices architecture also makes it easier to back up data. By breaking down applications, developers can easily back up individual services or the entire system in a manner that best suits the organisation’s needs. This reduces the amount of time and energy required to back up data, and makes it easier for organisations to protect customer data and maintain compliance with industry regulations.

Ease of Deployment

Finally, microservices architecture also makes deployment easier and quicker. By separating individual services, developers can rapidly deploy services to the appropriate environments, ensuring that applications are up and running as quickly as possible. This also makes it easier to rapidly update services, add new features and make changes as needed, resulting in a better customer experience.

In short, microservices architecture has transformed the way organisations create and deploy applications. By understanding why organisations should use microservices, they can ensure that they are getting the most out of the technology, and taking advantage of all the benefits that microservices have to offer.

Support from Vendors

A major benefit that microservices architecture provides is the unified vendor support for these technologies. By using a single vendor for microservices, organisations can leverage the means to support their applications and services in a unified way. This, in turn, reduces the need for manual support and intervention and allows organisations to focus their efforts on ensuring that customer needs and requirements are met.

Moreover, by working with one vendor, organisations can benefit from unified support for their application, allowing them to detect and solve issues quickly and easily. This makes it easier to respond to customer needs and ensure that applications and services remain secure and stable.

Simplified Maintenance

Additionally, microservices architecture simplifies maintenance and improves reliability. By breaking down applications into smaller pieces, organisations can easily keep track of changes and modifications that are made to their applications. This makes it easier to identify and fix bugs, and deploy updates and security fixes to their applications quickly.

Moreover, by using microservices architecture, organisations can easily move, scale, or delete services as needed. This makes maintenance easier and helps to maintain the reliability of applications and services.

Agile Development

Finally, microservices architecture also allows organisations to develop applications faster and more efficiently. By breaking down applications into individual services, developers are able to focus on each service more effectively and quickly identify and solve issues. This makes it easier to rapidly develop applications and ensure that customer and industry requirements are met.

Moreover, by creating modular services, developers are able to quicklymake changes and updates as needed. This makes it easier to take advantage of new technologies and keep up with changing customer and industry requirements, without having to maintain entire applications at once.

Anita Johnson is an award-winning author and editor with over 15 years of experience in the fields of architecture, design, and urbanism. She has contributed articles and reviews to a variety of print and online publications on topics related to culture, art, architecture, and design from the late 19th century to the present day. Johnson's deep interest in these topics has informed both her writing and curatorial practice as she seeks to connect readers to the built environment around them.

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